HAND GYN is created for everyone needing a device to dry your hands after handwashing, including home healthcare workers, who goes to people’s homes to provide patient care and having no paper towels or other means to dry their hands after providing care except the family towel that everyone in the home is sharing to dry their hands, for public events where there is limited or no means for the crowd/visitors to dry their hands after using the restroom, for people with hyperhidrosis (sweaty palms) etc..

Description of the product
Light Weight
Product features
The product has an inlet on top where cool air enter the device and an outlet at the middle where warm air comes out. The device has a clip for easy transportation and has a rechargeable battery that can last for a long time when is fully charge. The charger port is located at the bottom of the device for easy access. The device has an on and off button for operation and power control. The device is easy to use and requires no installation. It can be place anywhere on a hard surface and is ready for use.
Safety and priority
Safety is our number one priority and the device automatically shut off after every forty-five seconds, but the users can turn it back on as needed. The device also has a temperature sensor that’ll shut the power off in the event of overheating.
Product Function
The device is intended to be use for hand drying only. It is recommended for ages 12 years and above. It is fast and easy to operate and can dry a person’s hand in less than a minute. This device is convenient and very useful for home healthcare workers who visit patients in their home and provides care for them. No need to carry paper towels in their bags or be forced to share towels with patients and their families or use medical supplies such as gauze to dry their hands after providing care. This device provides protections to the healthcare providers and prevent disease/infection transmission between patients and providers.
Eco - friendly
The device is eco-friendly and is invented to help contribute to the fight against climate change. Every day, thousands of trees are cut down and used to manufacture paper towels which causes deforestation and harmful pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere during paper towel production both of which have a negative impact to our environment and contribute to climate change and greenhouse gases
Therefore, people should use hand gyn instead of paper towels to reduce climate change and protect our environment.